Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I've Played Animal Crossing City Folk Part 2- "Bugs and Fish and Money, Oh My!"

Alex's New Duds

First thing off of the bat, I do want to mention that there are a few changes in between the last post and this one. None of them are bad, of course, but to make the screenshots less confusing, I'd better make this clear right now. You see how, in the picture above, I have an extremely snazzy purple Noble Shirt and some badass Kamina Triangle Sunglasses? Well, the thing is, sometime during the last post (I only briefly mentioned it), I talked to Tom Nook and ordered both pieces of clothing from my personal catalog. They were pretty cheap, and since I really like both from when I wore them in my Wild World file, I figure it's a good opportunity to bring them to my avatar in this game as well! So... without further ado... it's time to dive into more shenanigans of Alex in Jeans! Hit the jump to read them!

Robo Dresser

Well, to start things off... it's time for a little bit of mail call! I got five letters total at the beginning of this play session... although two were for items I ordered from my catalog, so they're not really worth mentioning beyond this. One other one I got was from a character named Lyle. In Wild World, he ran an insurance company that was pretty useless. He'd mail you 100 bells whenever you'd slip and fall in the rain or when you get stung by bees... but that's not the best in the long run. In this game, however he works for the Happy Room Academy! In the letter he sent me, he introduced the HRA to me and told me I'm on their mailing list. Great! Junk mail! Woohoo! The two remaining letters are important, though. The first was from Jack, the Halloween event character. The letter that he sent said:

"Loyal subject,
October 31st is on its way!
Time to get ready for
Round up all the candy
you can so you can give it to
me on the big night!
Jack (Czar of Halloween)"

I remember that guy from the original Animal Crossing game! He's so badass. If I can get to play this on Halloween, I'd definitely like to see him again in this game! I'm excited for Halloween! The final letter that I got was from my Animal Crossing mother. It came with a package, and said:

"Dear Alex,
How are things in your new

I picked up a little
something to help you
get settled in.
Congrats! From Mom."

Inside the package was 5,000 bells! That made me happy, since I was a bit low on funds at the time. The sad thing is, though... as soon as I finished with the letters, I spent most of it at Nook's Cranny! Inside the nice shop, he was selling a Robo Dresser, a shovel, and a butterfly net. Of course, the shovel and net are necessary to succeeding in Animal Crossing, since they allow you to do stuff. However, the reason I got the Robo Dresser was because I need somewhere to store my excess stuff when I'm out making money or just goofing off. I don't particularly care for the Robo Dresser... but it'll have to do for that utility. Oh yeah, and I also bought some Halloween candy, just in case.

It's Bob!

After storing some items away that were clogging up my closet, I decided to check my map. It's been a few days since I last played this game, so by now I'm sure someone would have moved into town. Looking at the map, my eyes widened! I saw the most awesome name for a most awesome character! It's Bob! I quit out of that menu ASAP and ran towards his house at lightning speed. Sho' nuff... the purple cat that I recognize was inside his house, unpacking his stuff. I've just got to say... now with Bob here, this town is rockin'! With Alfonso, Bob, a wolf, a dog, a koala, a bunny, and a bear, the only way my neighbors would be more epic is if Apollo the bald eagle moves in. I'm crossing my fingers!!!

Either way... with that excitement behind me, it came time to start the daily grind. When I say daily grind... that means fishing and catching bugs. I'm not going to bore you by describing every single fish or bug I caught, so if you're curious, I'm going to list them at the bottom of this post, like in the last post. I will mention, however, that whenever I catch a new fish or bug, I donate it to the museum. So, whenever you see me put a new catch, you can be sure it's safe in the museum! Anyways, as I was checking out the beach for some cash-making fish, I noticed Portia, the dalmatian who lives by the beach, walking outside her house. Curious, I go and talk to her.

With a sad expression, Portia starts telling me about how she lost her house key. Now she's locked outside of her house, until someone (that someone's me, of course) finds her key. Poor Portia! I'm going to have to keep an eye out for her key, then! Talking to her again provides me with a hint. She says how she might have dropped it by the river. I guess I'd better start skimming the river instead of the ocean now!

Trying to find a house key in a river is so hard. Most of the time when I cast my fishing rod into the river, I actually catch a fish. Fish are nice and all... but Portia won't give me a reward for catching her a carp! During my search, though... I pass by Sydney, the resident blue koala. She gets an exclamation mark above her head meaning that she wants to talk. "Sure thing," I thought, "what'cha need, Sydney?" Talking to her, she asked me if I could think of a better catchphrase for her. Now, her catchphrase is "sunshine" and I don't think that sunshine is a bad thing to say. I decided to tell her no, since I like it! BUT NO! The moment I say no, the moody lady talked with disappointment and got depressed after we were finished talking. WELL FINE, THEN! Next time that happens, I'm just going to type in the catchphrase they currently have. Jeez... those koalas need to learn to appreciate more.

Key to your soul!

Fast forwarding a bit... since I was concerned with getting some money, I decided to give the money rock a trick. Every time I came across a rock, I'd dig two holes (one adjacent at an angle to the rock, and the other behind me), and then hit the rock. After finally trying out the rock nearest to my Town Hall, I finally found it! I hit it seven times to accumulate a total of 8,100 bells. A fine amount if I do say so myself!

A short while of river fishing later... I finally manage to see a small fish. Ok... it's not tiny, but it's about the size of my character's forearm, if that makes sense. The point is, as I fished it up, Portia's house key surfaced from the water! Returning it back to her earned me a nice bag of 600 bells and her sincere thanks. I've gotta say. When people say "And... thanks, Alex," everything just seems all worthwhile. Even if she did pay me, and even if this is just a video game, it feels great to help!

And speaking of gifts, some time later, I saw Chrissy, the bunny, hanging out by the beach. She looked at me like she wanted to talk, so when I approached her, she said that we should exchange lucky charms with each other. She proposed that I take her blue-trim wall in exchange for a horse mackerel that I caught earlier. In case you don't know... horse mackerels are the most worthless fish in the sea. They sell for 140 bells and are super common. So, this trade was like a godsend for me! I get rid of a useless fish, acquire a new item in my catalog, and potentially get an item that I can sell for more than a horse mackerel! It's a win situation for me!

House Upgrade Version 1.00... COMPLETE!

Well... after a lot of fishing and talking to Tom Nook, I finally managed to pick up a whopping 24,090 bells! Although there's a certain gift I'd like to buy at some point from my Wild World catalog, I decided to hold out on that special item in favor of upgrading my house a size. So, I went to the Town Hall and checked out the Automatic Bell Machine. At first, I thought that I had to pay off my debt by talking to Pelly at the receptionist desk... but I eventually figured out that there is a ABM that does it for me. Paying off my house made my character do a nice victory pose, and I felt proud for paying off my first house in only the second day! Horray!

Going back to Tom Nook's... with pockets full of fish, of course, the first thing that he says to me are words of congratulations for paying off my debt. As with the other games, he asks me if I'd like to upgrade it so I have more living space to place my furniture in. Of course, I said yes to that question (he's such a money pig)... although I don't think it's possible to say no to him. He also offered to paint my house's roof a new color. I chose purple.

By this point in the game, the sun was setting on my town, and everything was winding down for this session. After getting all of those objectives completed, I felt that this session was complete and saved. Stay tuned for the next post! More fall shenanigans in Animal Crossing are sure to come! Thanks so much for reading!

This session's results:

Fish Caught:
  • Sea Bass
  • Horse Mackerel
  • Red Snapper
  • Octopus
  • Barred Knifejaw (NEW)
  • Zebra Turkeyfish (NEW)
  • Seahorse (NEW)
  • Dab (NEW)
  • Olive Flounder (NEW)
  • Char (NEW)
  • Black Bass
  • Carp (NEW)
  • Koi (NEW)
  • Pale Chub (NEW)
  • Crucian Carp (NEW)
  • Cherry Salmon (NEW)
Insects Caught:
  • Monarch Butterfly (NEW)
  • Long Locust (NEW)
  • Migratory Locust (NEW)
  • Mantis (NEW)
  • Red Dragonfly (NEW)
Fossils Dug:
  • Seismo Chest (NEW)

1 comment:

  1. Bob the purple cat.
    That has got to be the most epic thing. Ever.
    Your character also looks awesome!
