Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Introduction to "I've Played" Playthroughs

My Backlog... not literaly

Being a gamer is tough isn't it? There's always a huge flood of games piling in, so much that it gets very difficult to keep up with all these new games. That's definitely the case with me. I've got a ton of games that I've purchased but never completed... especially ones that I've wanted to complete. This game spans up to 12+ games... which is way too much in my opinion.

So... I've been thinking to myself "Alex, what's a good way to motivate yourself to play these games?" After all, I've got school, work, LPing and now occasional blogging to consider in terms of my schedule... so I have little time to play a lot of these games (especially when most of them are Final Fantasy).

My solution that I came up with is to write about the sessions with those games on this blog! After all, when I have the purpose of showing games off to others, even if readers have already played the game, I get motivated to play the game a lot! Heck, I could even beat Sonic 2006 if I went and LPed or blogged about it!

So, that's where I came up with the idea of "I've Played" playthroughs. While on Bladesofgaming we do Let's Play videos... I figure that writing on blogs about my experiences playing with a game is different. In the videos, the viewers can see and experience what's going on in the game with the LPer. However, when blogging about it, I will have to write about the games... so you readers won't be able to see all that's going on in the game.

I can, however, post some pictures in each post. It won't be too much, only three or four, but that's the extent of them (after all, Google only allows me several MB of storage space for images, so they'll fill up fast). But, that should be it for introducing my new "series" to you. I hope it's a good way to clear out some of my backlog and a good way to entertain you!

Also, I've got a task for you. Yes you, reader. Does the title "I've Played" work for these poses in your opinion? I've also considered "I'm Playing", but I think that "I've Played" sounds a bit better because I'm typing about the game after I've played it. Do you have any suggestions as to what I could call it? If so, suggest away in the comments, or else leave your opinion of "I've Played" versus "I'm Playing". It will help a lot!

Oh yeah! I just remembered. The I've Played posts likely won't have post videos at the bottom like most other posts will have. Maybe I'll post videos of the game's soundtracks, but most won't have any "funny videos"... unless I'm lucky enough to find them.

Ah well. Here's this post's video. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!


  1. "I've played" sounds good really, makes sense. And writing about it is a good way to share it with other people. If we haven't played the game, not seeing it firsthand is less of spoilers, but we can still get a view/review of a game, or share our views/opinions with you if we've played.

    That is a GIGANTIC pile of games. Even mine isn't that big. O____O The blue walls are also awesome.

  2. Sounds rather interesting. And the name (IMO) fits well and makes sense. Now I'm split between hoping you do somewhat obscure games so that I find out about possibly awesome games, and games that I know to see how you feel about them.

    Anyways, sounds great.

  3. Sounds like a cool idea, get a taste of what you've played and such.

    As for the name, I like it, can't think of anything else short and sweet. I'm playing would be more of what your playing at this point in time.

  4. @niX Yep! Big pile is good! It's a good thing that it's not my pile of games, cause that'd be a HUGE backlog! But, thanks for the feedback! :D
