Monday, October 17, 2011

I've Played Animal Crossing City Folk Part 1- "Adventures in Jeans"

Animal Crossing City Folk Title Screen

Ah, Animal Crossing! It's such a nice, happy game in all it's iterations. The newest version, City Folk, is no exception! There's something zen-like about playing Animal Crossing... even if all I do for 90% of the time is fish for more mulah. Either way, although I have played Animal Crossing City Folk before, I'm making a fresh start in this game. New town, new neighbors, and relatively new character. Perhaps I'm starting over as a way to make this game even more memorable than it has ever been! Of course, the actual reason is because I was convinced by an extremely awesome person! So, if you want to hear of my Animal Crossing shenanigans... hit the jump!

My Town Map

To start off with, I am going to be doing something with this playthrough that I've never done in any previous one... utilize the DS Suitcase function between Wild World and City Folk! In case you don't know, if you previously had a save file in Animal Crossing Wild World, then using the DS Suitcase function, the Nintendo DS with Wild World in it can send over data of the character, so to allow some progress to be saved. This included the character's default face, hair style/color, and item catalog (meaning I can buy items I've previously had in Wild World as soon as I have enough money. I won't have to wait!). I've got some pretty bitching items in that save file, even though I've played it on a total of three days, I believe.

Of course, this game starts out as usual, even with the DS Suitcase. You find yourself on a bus (I sorta miss the train from the original Animal Crossing, but whatever...) that's conveniently traveling to your new hometown! It's here where Rover appears for this game. Like on the train, he's a fellow curious passenger who asks WAY too many questions. Since I was exporting my character from Wild World, he thankfully doesn't ask any of the questions that determine the character's look, which was a nice touch. Instead, he only asks about the time, date, and the name of the town that you want to live in. I named it "Jeans".

Alex Running in Jeans. The TOWN Jeans

Taking the first steps off of the bus in City Folk is one of the most satisfying feelings in the game. It feels like begin a new journey, or taking first steps into a new, fun life. It's the first sample of gameplay... even though you can't do crap. So, I decided on just heading to the town hall, to get the stupid tutorial stuff out of the way. When I first entered there, somehow I got surprised! I imagined that in City Folk, both Pelly and Phyllis were behind the mail/community counters. Instead, only Pelly was there (since it was afternoon). Somehow, I got confused, cause both of them are in the building when you go in there while playing on Wi-Fi. Either way, she told me that I could take my pick of any empty house in the town. On the handy map image above, my house is in the northwest corner. It's orange in color and is slightly located east of Nook's Cranny.

So, I go and pick my house. It has a nice yellow roof. It's not quite my cup of tea... but I'll take what I can get. After looking inside the house, I find Tom Nook, just appearing out of nowhere to get me to buy the house. He creeps me the fuck out... especially with what happened at camp. Stalker racoon is a stalker. Anyways, we go through the same song and dance that we usually go through. Long story short, I'm now working part time at Nook's Cranny. Let's see how long this lasts.

It'sa him! Alfonso!

Nook's first task for me was to meet all the townsfolk of Jeans. I've got a pretty nice bunch of animals this time, in my opinion. I have not had most of them in my towns prior, so it'll be a new experience! Starting off my town is Sydney, whose house is slightly south of mine. She's a blue koala, and she's pretty nice. I like the koala character models; I look forward seeing her house block mine on screen! Next up is Kody. He's a blue bear-cub type of animal, and he's pretty laid back. I strangely recognize him from somewhere, but I don't think that he's been in any of my towns. He lives next door to Sydney. The next person I had to knock off my list is probably the best of them all!

Living on the western-most point in our town, my new Animal Crossing bro for life, Alfredo is one huge ball of awesome! By default, his shirt is that of Mario's "M" on his hat. In addition, Alfredo's catchphrase is "it'sa me". Well... all I know is, from now on, I'm never letting him wear any different clothes or say anything different. That combo's just too badass. After having the Alfredo high wear off, I continued my travels across the town for other townsfolk. I continued southeast this time to nail two more neighbors at once. Next up is Chrissy, which is the next house southeast form Alfredo's. She is a bunny whose mind is always on sparkling. Her eyes are all glittery and her default catchphrase is "sparkles"... which is a perfect excuse to make a reference to mai waifu! We'll see that later, though.

Continuing east, Portia the dalmatian is next. She seemed a bit gloomy at first saying "Who are you? ...and you came to visit me?" (which is so adorable), but then later says something along the lines of "Stick with me and I'll show you the ropes." I don't quite have a good read on her personality cause of that, but whatever. She's a dog, and that's cute enough. Anyways, for the last villager, I need to go and visit the character Fang. Now, she's the only animal that is currently residing in Jeans which has lived in a town that I've previously made. She's a wolf, although at first thought I'd imagined her to be like Fang from Final Fantasy XIII. That thought wasn't too far off, cause she's that sort of "tough, lone wolf" personality. She's pretty cool, I guess. After meeting Fang, I headed back to Nook's Cranny.

While I met all the VILLAGERS in town, apparently that wasn't enough for Nook, because now I had to go and meet Tortimer, the mayor. At first, I though "ugh... this won't be good", but then when I went to talk to him, it was actually kind of funny. He mentioned how I looked familiar to him and asked if he's seen me before. He didn't even ask the whole crap about "who do you respect the most?", and I think I have the DS Suitcase to thank for it! With that out of the way, I went back to meet Nook.

Nook's Cranny

Now for the boring part of part time working. The tedious work. He's got all the normal tasks going, like planting flowers and trees, delivering flowers and mailing letters. He wanted me to send my letter to Kody. Here's what I sent (aproximately):

"Oi Kody,
Buy some now or else I will
buy them all. Then, you
won't have any more candy.
Like a boss, Alex"

...that's what it said, more or less. This is a good time to mention that I lost all of my first hour playing. The problem was, I never hit record, so all of the pictures that you will see are from the second hour... and because of that this letter isn't an exact replica. Nook also wanted me to post something on the message board. So I wrote:


...I really like Poseidon."

It was epic. But anyways, after finishing up with Tom Nook's job. My character left the shop with a grin on his face, looked up at the screen and celebrated! "Horray! I'm finally out of this dead-end job!" By that time, it was time for me to go eat dinner, so I had to pack up, save, and postpone the rest of the session for later.

Awkward Staredown

When I arrive back and turn on my Wii, the video showing up on my TV was strange. It had a blue tint to it, while on my regular capture the video worked fine. It only occurred to me that I should restart my Wii (nice rhyme!) by the time I made it to the start up menu (before playing but after the title menu). For some reason, by resetting the Wii at that moment, it cause Mr. Resetti to appear when I booted up the game next. His dialog was more of the same "DON'T RESET, OR ELSE" speech, but also I found it interesting how he thanked me for playing both City Folk and Wild World, thanks to the DS Suitcase. It's doing a whole lot of interesting stuff for me now, isn't it?

Well, after I got out of the block that is Resetti, I decided to go get some money. I harvested peaches (our local fruit) and collected seashells... so while they don't provide a ton of money, it was still enough to get a fishing rod, watering can, a piece of halloween candy, and an item from my catalog. I also had just enough to make a pattern at the Able Sisters. This... will... be... awesome!!!

That's how Team Gurren rolls!

Aw yeah! As you can see, I am sporting the Team Gurren logo as my town's flag! I made it myself! It took about an hour to make, but it's totally worth it! Afterwards, I decided to give fishing a go. Usually, I only do ocean fishing... especially because the money you can get from them are amazing! However, this time I opted to start off with freshwater fishing for some reason. I guess I was higher up on the map and didn't feel like walking all the way down to the ocean. Either way, I caught some pretty fishies! Now, I'm going to put a list of the fish that I caught lower on this post, so I'm not going to go into all the fish, but the main highlight of this session was the red snapper I caught! These babies are my favorite catch in the game, because they are pretty common and are worth 3,000 bells a pop! Since I only caught one, I opted to donate it to the museum along with all the other fish I caught. I sold the rest.

After getting some nice bags of money in my pocket, I decided to explore the town some more before ending off the session. While I was running around, checking out where the major landmarks are, I noticed Chrissy up north of me. As I passed by her, she suddenly turned around, spawning a big exclamation mark above her head. Very Metal Gear Solid-esqe if I do say so myself! So I approached her to see what she wanted. It turns out that she was tired of saying "sparkles" all the time as her catchphrase. Well, it seems like it's my lucky day then!


I've been looking for this opportunity ever since the first time I've read her catchphrase! As soon as the text box appeared, I pointed the Wii Remote at the screen at lightning speed and typed "kira"! And there you have it! She's now the Universal Bunny of this town! </Macross Frontier references> Unfortunately, it's usually much harder to think up new catchphrases for my villagers, but in this case I feel like it was just calling out for it. Enough of this madness.

After that, the rest of my evening in Animal Crossing was pretty bland. I just ran around the town to get used to its layout a bit, then went back inside my house to get rid of some items in my inventory. I dropped my Nook's Cranny Uniform and a modern chair (which I got from a Sydney as part of Tom Nook's part-time work) to compliment my tape deck, cardboard box, and desk lamp. Every little bit helps, I guess! I also spread the kitchen flooring rug I got from the part-time work on the ground. It's much better than a dirty mat, that's for sure. With all that done, it was time to put it all to rest and save for the evening.

In total, this play session was awesome. Of course, it's Animal Crossing... so of course it was fun for me. I effing love this game! I can't wait for what happens next time!

This session's results:

Fish Caught:
  • Black Bass (NEW)
  • Horse Mackerel (NEW) x2
  • Sea Bass (NEW) x2
  • Red Snapper (NEW)
  • Octopus (NEW) x2

Bugs Caught:

Total Profit By The End: 930 Bells

Thanks so much for reading!


  1. Can never go wrong with Animal Crossing, always fun no matter the version.

  2. Hehehe.. you're in jeans. =P Appropriate.
    If I ever visit your town, I'll be in Alex's Jeans. Bwhahaahha.

    Even though Animal Crossing has changed in various versions, I do like that they kept things relativity the same.
