Thursday, October 27, 2011

Alex's Art Class Art (Fall Semester 2010)


Time for another random post! During my first main semester going to Montgomery College, I took an art class. The class's official title is "2d Art and Design"... or at least something along those lines. The point is, it was a 2d art class. Now, I'm not a very bad artist, since I can trace pictures well. I am not very good at drawing things 100% out of my head, so most of my good are is some sort of tracing. The pictures you will see below are mostly tracings, but are still my works of art nonetheless! ^.^ So, if you'd like to see some paintings I've made in 2010, then hit the jump!

WTF is this madness?

This group of five pictures was our very first assignment, and it was meant to teach us basic elements of design. It was our chance to experiment with how different elements attract attention in art, whether it be size, texture, contrast, or other elements. For this assignment, our professor wanted us to cut up black, white, and grey pieces of paper, which we'd glue to a background. His requirements for this was that we have two pieces with a black background, two pieces with a white background, and one that incorporated black, white, and grey paper. The only picture that was allowed to have grey paper was the fifth one. Overall, I put these ones first on this page because they're the least interesting in my opinion. Also, as a side note, all of these pieces are meant to be looked at horizontally, so the ones on the bottom row are meant to be rotated 90 degrees to the right.


This next piece is of a Big Daddy from Bioshock. To get this out of the way (and it's totally ironic that I'm saying this), but I didn't really enjoy Bioshock all that much. I mean, the environments and character designs are beautiful... but I really disliked the gameplay and the enemies. It just wasn't fun killing anything EXCEPT for Big Daddies. So why, you may ask, did I make a piece based on a Big Daddy? Well, for this assignment, our professor wanted us to create a piece of art based on an advertisement using only lines. No shading or solid color, just thin lines. Now, since I'm such a hipster, I decided that I couldn't find any good advertisements in the mainstream, sample ads that my teacher provided. So, instead I brought in a nice gaming magazine for some awesome video game ads! Since most ads were deodorant ads with women showing off a lot of cleavage (have I mentioned that I hate most ads?), I decided to go with Bioshock! Overall, I think it came out alright. The lines got a bit thick cause I wasn't skilled with tech pens. Also, my professor gave me a B because it wasn't an original design made by me. I don't get it, but whatever.

Ostrich Crossing

This next work was for an assignment where we had to create a street sign warning people of something. We had to incorporate a design into the project that can communicate a message effectively within the few seconds that drivers will see it on the road. So, for some reason, I decided to make "ostrich crossing" designs. Since we were allowed to make 2-4 designs, I opted for 2... since ostriches don't do much aside from poke their heads in the ground and look at things. Overall, I think that this was a really cool project to do, since I had the freedom to be funny, use color, and learn about design all in one! The yellow acrylic paint hates me, though.

The Red Spiders are Always Poisonous

SPIDERMAN! ...not really. This spider has nothing to do with anything, even though it's red. For this assignment, we had to create a design by combining only paints of contrasting colors and white paint. For example, in this assignment, I only used red, green, and white paint. The rest of the in-between colors were brought about through mixing the paints, believe it or not! If you're wondering why I painted a spider... I dunno. Tarantulas are creepy, so I figured it would be a cool opportunity to use a nice red design. I was originally going to paint Nice Boat... but I couldn't find an image hi-res enough to use effectively. Of all the art on this page, it's the only one that I have hanging in my room. I made several mistakes on the image's white border, so I had to buy a frame for it, or else my teacher would mark it down. It turned out to be too big to NOT display, so why not?


Of all of the assignments that we've worked on, this one is by far my favorite. Why, you may ask? It's because I incorporated internet memes into it! WOOT! In this assignment, our professor wanted us to make a black-and-white, for panel piece that uses only design to tell a story. That means we're not allowed to use text at all. In this project, the "official theme" that I told my classmates and professor was that it told the story of a birthday party. The first panel has a very happy person carrying balloons, the second panel has a boy hitting a pinata, the third panel has a cake, and the fourth panel has someone celebrating. On the surface, this all seems normal, but for my (and an awesome classmates, who I talked to a lot) purposes, the actual theme is "See how many memes I can hide into a school assignment." This holds the record at five. Try guessing what memes are in each panel, and if you're stuck or want to confirm what they are, click below to reveal videos about each meme:

[Show What Pictures were for what panels]

Well, that's it. Those are the only five art pieces that I still have from that class... or at least that I could find. I did do other ones, like a really large black-and-white abstract design, a picture of a double rainbow (the assignment was to use only primary colors and white), and smaller pictures in color that I gave to my grandma. Thanks so much for reading this!

Speaking of pieces of art... below is the promotional video for the series that I'm most excited about come 2012 (both for anime and games). I just found it today, so I am excite!

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