Monday, November 7, 2011

Top 5 Most Annoying Video Game Characters

Recently, I've been feeling interested in Top 5 lists. I have no idea why... I guess it's just a phase or something. For this post, I am going to be writing about five of the most annoying characters in any of the video games that I've played. Now, before reading this, I want to make it clear that I don't necessarily hate any of these characters (unless I'm in a bad mood). Every character has his or her pros and cons... so it's hard to really hate these characters. These five are simply annoying characters. One's that serve to make others look better or to simply make the player rage. Regardless of the reason that makes them annoying... hit the jump to see what characters annoy me most!

5. Mr. Resetti (Animal Crossing Series)

Mr. Resetti

Ah, Mr. Resetti. He's one of those characters who you can potentially avoid several times in a row... but it's SO hard to avoid him! The worst part about seeing Mr. Resetti is that the dialog he speaks is SO long. It takes a very long time even when mashing the skip dialog button quickly! He appears whenever the game is shut off without saving. How the producers programmed that is beyond me... but the main annoying factor for him is when he appears, and it's not your fault. There have been countless times when I've had a blackout while playing, when the DS battery has gone out for Wild World, or when I accidentally trip over the power cord. Once, in City Folk, I was playing online with a great friend and we got disconnected. When that happens, a screen says the problem and that the game can be reset by pressing any button. Now, when that happened, I read it as "press the reset button"... so essentially my stupidity made Mr. Resetti appear. While he may be funny and quirky, the sheer length of his dialog and the fact that he appears when the game was unintentionally reset makes him have a definite spot on this list.

4. Teddie (Persona 4)

Fuckin Bears

Bears. You can never trust them. At first glance, Teddie seems like he's Persona 4's mascot character and comic relief. After all, Teddie is the predominant cartoony character... some would even say he's cute. This is further supported at the beginning of the game in that he plays a supporting role during battle. While fighting, at any time during a turn, a player can call upon Teddie to get information of the enemies on the field, such as weaknesses/resistances. Teddie also acts as heavy comic relief as well. However, as time goes on, Teddie gets another form... one of a bishounen pretty-boy (spoilers, lol). That pissed me off. In my opinion, I felt that Teddie acted more of a guide up until that point. He would take players around the TV world and show you where shadows are, as well as let the players leave the world. The main, lowest blow, however, was when Teddie became playable in battle. Teddie does not look combat-ready... even if he has a persona. I felt that he was better as a in-battle guide to enemies, and it only got worse seeing the cute Rise taking his spot. I wanted to see her in battle! So, with that one radical change part of the way through the game, Teddie "transformed" from an okay character to an annoying one.

3. Blue/Rival/Gary MOTHERFUCKIN Oak (Pokemon Series)

Gary's Gettin More... Pokeballs

I've got mixed feelings about Blue. On one hand, his character has inspired the insanely badass Gary Oak... and that enough could have possibly excused him from this list. However... his in-game behavior can't be ignored. Regardless of what game he appears in, he ALWAYS serves to block my progress for a few weeks. In R/B and FR/LG, he's always at a higher level than I am at the current moment in time. For example, I remember one particular battle with him in Cerulean City that took me weeks to beat! I believe I had to revamp my team and do quite a bit of grinding over those weeks just to defeat him. After seeing him several times and finally defeating Lance of the Elite Four... the game throws the ultimate killing blow in making him become the Champion! Right at the moment when I defeated Lance, I thought I was the best trainer in the game, and that I beat it. Then, Blue got thrown into the mix and made me have a whole lot of trouble. However, that's not Blue's only main appearance. He later appears in G/S/C and HG/SS as the Viridian City Gym Leader. Normally, that would be fine, BUT then the game developers had to go and troll me by doing two things to him. First, he's the strongest Gym Leader, the only having a level 60 Pokemon. To make things worse, he has a very balanced team in terms of types... so I could not abuse any type weaknesses. Always ahead of me by one step, Blue has acted as a major annoyance to me in whatever game he's seen in.

2. Rochelle (Left 4 Dead 2)


Do I even need to explain why Rochelle is annoying? NO! ...but I shall anyways! When transitioning from playing as the Left 4 Dead characters to playing as the Left 4 Dead 2 characters, I had certain expectations for the new characters. They should have been as quirky, funny, and interesting as the previous four. Unfortunately, only three met my expectations. Perhaps the other three are just so over the top that Rochelle seems boring... but I really do like the over-the-topness of Nick, Ellis, and Coach! After all, Coach has his chocolate helicopters, Ellis has his horses, and Nick has his assholeness. In comparison, however, Rochelle doesn't say anything funny or interesting enough to make her interesting... except for "SWEET LINCOLN'S MULLET!" (in my opinion). Perhaps Valve intended to make her seem like an average, level-headed person in comparison to her three wacky companions... but it ultimately failed. A lot of her lines are annoying to listen to, which makes no one I've ever played with ever want to play as her. That also means that, as our permanent AI buddy, Rochelle would get a ton of kills. It's always annoying to see a special infected, shoot at it, but ultimately find that Rochelle, as an auto-targetting AI character, kills it first. As the odd fish out of all the Left 4 Dead characters, Rochelle struggles at making herself an interesting character, and instead just becomes annoying to listen to and deal with.

1. Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog, 2006)


Ugh... if you know me, you should probably have seen this coming. As the least favorite game that I own, and perhaps that I've ever played, Sonic (2006) presented Silver in such a way that made him instantly piss me off! First off, his gameplay is horrible! There are so many bugs in his telekinesis power to throw things... most revolving around slowdown issues when too many items are floating. When Silver levitates, often times it is hard to judge if he has enough psychic power to levitate across some gaps. In addition, if Silver accidentally walks off the edge over a bottomless pit (which is surprisingly easy to do with these controls/this camera), the levitation doesn't provide any vertical height, so it only prolongs his inevitable death. As a character, he seems to only be driven by finding the "Iblis Trigger"... which he NEVER SHUTS up about! Seriously! He doesn't seem motivated by any good reason to kill the Iblis Trigger! In the beginning of the game, a creepy-looking hedgehog simply tells him "Yeah... this post-apocalyptic world that you live in now is thanks to the Iblis Trigger. He gives no proof, just says it. And yet, Silver believes him! In addition, when he does learn the fallacy of trying to kill the Iblis Trigger, he doesn't get a good motivation to do so AGAIN! He just gets told "He's not a bad guy" and eventually Silver believes it! (Based on what I can remember, at least). With horrible gameplay, dialog, and memories created for me, Silver reigns supreme as the most annoying character in my opinion.

Well, that's it for that list. If you have any thoughts about these characters, whether you agree/disagree, or any characters that you think are annoying, leave them in the comments. It's always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading this! If there are any lists you'd like to see, leave some suggestions below, as well!

So, now for this post's video... I guess someone trollin' Itsuki (from Haruhi), by pairing his version of Hare Hare Yukai with Barney. I think it fits perfectly!


  1. Maybe you are doing top 5 lists because a certain somebody else is doing them? ;)

    5. Resetti is beyond annoying. There is absolutely no reason for him to be there. Surely the player understands that by resetting you lose progress. Going through this dialogue is terrible because you're just mashing A wishing it was over.

    4. I still haven't played Persona. >w< -sadface-

    3. Yep, I'd agree. Although I do feel sorry for him, it feels that nobody cared about him (in the anime at least) and even in the games he was kind of seemingly neglected which probably turned him into a douche. Professor Oak is a jerk. He'd rather be bangin' Ash's Mom. I did however enjoy the challenge at most points in the game because he wasn't a brainless twit who only had one type on his team.

    2. I don't dislike Rochelle as a character, none of the Left for Dead characters are all that great, with Louis, Bill and Ellis being the only ones that deserve any kind of recognizable I feel. I do however hate that she keeps taking my kills. I've noticed that too. I understand the AI's are there to help, but don'tchu be stealing my kills. D: <

    1. Don't know a lot about Sonic. But a bad game breathes life into bad characters.

  2. I so saw Silver being in this list from a mile away, lol >.>

    Never played Persona or L4D at all so I dunno about those two.

    But Blue in the games is a definite piss off, seeing as they made him appear at the most retarded times in-game.

    And lol at Resetti, he is quite the nuisance if you have a accident of sorts.

  3. Pothead The Porcupine is awesomely annoying. You can try to hate him, but IT'S NO USE!
