Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mario Kills Tanooki- PETA's New Weird Game

Mario Tanuki Suit

The People for Ethical Treatment of Animals organization is crazy sometimes. At first thought, most would think that PETA is good in its support of ethical animal treatment. After all, animals are awesome! However, the ways and methods that they use to support that is often questionably handled... just a few days before the typing of this post, PETA started a new campaign against the new Mario game, Super Mario 3D Land. They were complaining about Mario's Tanooki suit supporting use of animal fur as clothes in the game... even though it's existed in Mario games for a long time. So, reading about this, I decided to play the game (which is surprisingly bloody and gory for such an animal-friendly organization). As I played, I found the game to be very interesting. So, without further ado... hit the jump to learn more about the game!

Now, this game is the one that was recently created to go against Mario and his Tanooki suit. In case you don't know about tanuki, they are raccon-like animals native to Japan. They are often described as raccoon dogs, so that alone sets them apart from other raccons from across the world. There are also a lot of mythos and folklore behind tanuki, including wearing hats, drinking alcohol, and having large testicles. Perhaps that is where Mario gets his super powers from while having the Tanooki suit on.

Either way, this game is rediculously blown out of proportion. First off, the Tanooki Suit isn't new for Mario games. It's been around since Super Mario Bros. 3. If Mario was really driving people towards subliminal tanuki slaughter... then there should have been more action then, not now. Second, Mario's Tanooki Suit doesn't even look like he skinned the fur of a tanuki. Rather, it looks more like a Halloween costume. Buy that logic, one could even say that Batman supports bat killing by dressing like a bat.

...except bats aren't skinned (as far as I know).

Either way, this game is really unnecessary, but strangely fun. In it, the player controls a skinned tanuki who is chasing Mario to get its pelt back. It takes the fun jumping mechanics of Mario and combines it with random obstacles. Unfortunately, you can only make the tanuki jump to catch Mario and that aspect makes the game more difficult. The game is not impossible, and it even feels rewarding to overcome the difficulty. Perhaps if this game was released as a exclusive game, it would feel a lot more appropriate... but as a game sponsored by PETA to prevent the skinning of tanuki, it just feels too excessive.

If you want to play the game, you can click on the link or the game's title, or just click here. What are your thoughts about this game? Either way, Super Mario 3D Land looks promising, so this post's video will be the trailer for the game. Check it out, and thanks so much for reading!


  1. Oh PETA, you so silly.

    But seriously, how stupid can they be? It's a bloody game. PETA just likes to get attention by -any- means possible anymore. And that game is just horrible.

  2. I do not support PETA because they are just way too extreme. They use all the tricks in the book, and it disgusts me. It's ridiculous that they are only now drawing attention to this. If it was such an issue, they would have done so a long time ago. -allofmyrage-
