Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mario Kills Tanooki- PETA's New Weird Game

Mario Tanuki Suit

The People for Ethical Treatment of Animals organization is crazy sometimes. At first thought, most would think that PETA is good in its support of ethical animal treatment. After all, animals are awesome! However, the ways and methods that they use to support that is often questionably handled... just a few days before the typing of this post, PETA started a new campaign against the new Mario game, Super Mario 3D Land. They were complaining about Mario's Tanooki suit supporting use of animal fur as clothes in the game... even though it's existed in Mario games for a long time. So, reading about this, I decided to play the game (which is surprisingly bloody and gory for such an animal-friendly organization). As I played, I found the game to be very interesting. So, without further ado... hit the jump to learn more about the game!

I Blame Skyrim

Skyrim Screenshot

So yeah. There's been a severe lack of content on this nice little blog here. Yup. I've been playing Skyrim. I don't necessarily mean to leave this blog in the shadows... since I've only started this about a month ago. I just haven't quite had the schedule slottage/concentration to fit in long blog posts. So, I guess what I'm just trying to say right now is, this blog isn't dead. I just won't be posting as many posts as in the past. Of course, if you're reading this, thanks so much for reading! Hopefully there'll be even more posts throughout the future!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Top 5 Most Annoying Video Game Characters

Recently, I've been feeling interested in Top 5 lists. I have no idea why... I guess it's just a phase or something. For this post, I am going to be writing about five of the most annoying characters in any of the video games that I've played. Now, before reading this, I want to make it clear that I don't necessarily hate any of these characters (unless I'm in a bad mood). Every character has his or her pros and cons... so it's hard to really hate these characters. These five are simply annoying characters. One's that serve to make others look better or to simply make the player rage. Regardless of the reason that makes them annoying... hit the jump to see what characters annoy me most!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Disappearance of I've Played Videos


Yeah... I guess this is more of an announcement than an actual post. The jist of my current situation is... I don't think I'm going to be posting on this blog with too many other I've Played videos. I've got a few reasons for this...

  1. It takes way too long to make these. I've been finding that after playing the game for around... 45 minutes to 1 hour, I'd also have to spend 3+ hours typing up whatever thoughts I have of the game, and that doesn't include the time spent on the images for the posts. I really don't feel like spending that amount of time on a post somewhat regularly... especially with all I've got going between work, school, and LPing.
  2. I've wanted to play other games, as well. Since November is THE month for games that I want, I'm probably going to be spending time on those ones instead of Animal Crossing or Deadly Premonition. Since my two favorite games are Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Skyrim and Skyward Sword are SO tempting as sequels to those games.
  3. Apparently, Deadly Premonition has only one slot for a save file. I went and played Deadly Premonition with a good friend a while ago. We started a new game and got considerably far into the first chapter, which is much further than I've gotten in the "I've Played" parts. When we saved, it wrote over the other save file... so now I've got that file that's further than the other ones.
  4. I've just been more interested in posting other things. I'm not saying that I'm going to stop posting I've Played videos on this blog outright... but I just don't want to make it a series sort of blog entry. Maybe if I made I've Played into pseudo-reviews or something... that would be alright. It's just something I have to consider later.

That's about it for this entry. As I said, it's not the end of I've Playing, it's more so a heads up to all of you readers that I'm probably not continuing I've Played videos as a series. If there's a gameplay session that stands out, I might very well do one... but it's not 100% likely.

Also, as a plug, in case SOMEHOW you're unaware about this... we're streaming on most Saturdays until December 24th as holiday donation streams to charity. It's at and it'll be fun times!